Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Cookie Baking

Today was the first day of Christmas break, soooo, we baked cookies. Peanut Butter Hershey Kisses Cookies, Rolo Cookies, and My Love Cookies (that's what my boys call them because the secret ingredient is love). We had plans to do sugar cookies and butter toffee cookies but maybe tomorrow instead. Perhaps tomorrow I will show you pictures of all the cookies, but not tonight because I am lazy and tired.


Gail said...

Sounds like you are making memories along with cookies.
Merry Christmas!

Naisy said...

MMMM, Mimmy cookies! Wish I had me some! (Do they mail well?)LOL

Is the recipe for the Rolo cookies from the Mennonite blog? I saw one there and it sounded WAAAAY yummy!

I miss being a part of cookie baking... jeez, I miss A LOT!!

Love you!

Mim said...

Gail: That's what it's about, right?

Nee: Not sure, we could give it a try. You might have to Micro them to freshen them up. Yes, that's where I got the Rolo cookies recipe and they are yum-e. Very rich though.

You do miss A LOT. That's what happens when you move far away silly.