Saturday, June 21, 2008

Llama Love

Recently my friend Frugalmom mentioned she's got some llama love. Soooo, today I got to experience some llama's up close and personal. They were definitely more calm then the alpacas. And they for sure let you know when you are making them uncomfortable. I think I'm going to have to take our boys for a visit soon. They also had a few other animals: Silky chickens, a Guinea pig, a french lop rabbit to name a few.

They had demonstrations on spinning, dying, wet felting and needle felting the llama fibers. Way fun!
This is Sunny, a male llama, he was the friendliest. I think being a little older he was more used to people. He's for sale if you are interested. $500, I think.
They let us watch them shear Sunny. He was pretty cooperative, he seemed a little ticklish in some spots. LOL

This is Astra, she's saying I'm not sure about you, leave me alone!
If you're interested she's also for sale. $350

This is also Astra, she's saying I'm thinking you might be alright!
This is a young alpaca, there were three of them in the pen, this one was the friendliest and you still pretty much couldn't touch her with
out her making a warning noise. BTW, I say she but I really didn't notice the gender.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

No turning back now

This is our youngest with a new to us piece of furniture. My Aunt gifted us a piano. She knows the desire that was already there for me is intensified by this instrument setting in my family room. So, she's soon to get at least one new to her student in exchange. The boy decided to pull his recliner up to the piano since there's no stool. I believe he's interested as well in learning how to play. I'm just not sure if he will actually want to put in the time to practice, etc.

Seed Swap Swag

I recently did a seed swap over at Down to Earth My swap buddy was in New Mexico and she sent me an assortment of seeds, as well as, a nice piece of material for me to make something with. It was great fun and now I'll have plants in my gardens to always remember my New Mexico buddy. Plus all the seeds are heirloom, so I will be able to continue saving the seeds and passing them on. What a great thing!