Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I wanted to make sure I wrote down some of the things Gabe has been saying lately.

When his Aunt Nee stuck a wet finger in his ear he exclaimed, "Hey, no wet Willis!" instead of no wet willies

He has been using the words: indeed and shall, he also likes the phrases: For Pete's sake and from the movie Madagascar, "here have a nibble"

Also, he recently has been suffering from bad dreams. Almost nitely he is waking up shaken and upset. And then of course he can't go back to sleep. Last night I was up with him for an hour. Chris was up before me for I don't know how long. Not quite sure what is causing them. Seems like Parker went through this around this age.

He loves singing and cooking.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Bra Shopping

I hate it. I was just looking online trying to convince myself I could just order one and that would be fine. Of course, they don't seem to carry the bra I've been wearing. So, now I have to go out and try on new styles and find one that works. That means a trip to St. Louis or Champaign for me because I live in hickville. There is only JCPenney's, Super Wal-Mart, K-Mart and Fashion Bug. So, now to figure out when I can plan a bra shopping trip. Maybe I can get away with the one I'm wearing for another month?

Thursday, January 05, 2006


The plane ride

Gabe is a little nervous.

Parker is ready!

First stop--Legoland!

We are here!

What a sense of humor!

This is one happy boy!

Next stop Monterey Bay.....


The Aquarium

Beautiful Jellies!


San Francisco

The boys wanted their picture taken by the "lighthouse" light.

This sign cracked me up, it says "hill". In SF that seems somewhat redundant to me.

Happy New Year!

Waiting for the ball to drop!

So, it's pretty obvious I suck at blogging on a regular basis. I love to read everyone else's blogs and I never get to mine. Soooo, since I only blogged once in December here it is in nutshell. December was filled with Christmas parties, Christmas programs, Christmas carolling, Christmas gift buying, Christmas dinners. Overall it was very Christmasy!