Seems like just yesterday I told someone I would be posting about the chickens and three weeks later here I am, no chicken post. So sad! I've been busy! Soccer, Scouting, Christian Women's Conference, Illness, House guests, Consultation with a surgeon and now on the horizon is a birthday party for our newest nephew and our #1 son.
Boo will be 1 and #1 son will be *gasp, 12. How did that happen? It seems like just yesterday I was holding his tiny body in my arms. Now he's almost as tall as me(really not saying much, I'm a shorty) But he's counting down the days til 12, he gets to set up front in the van(or so he thinks). He's checking at least every other day to see if he's grown. Slow down I say, it goes by so fast! Just yesterday I was pushing you in a stroller, just yesterday I was teaching you to tie your shoes, just yesterday I kissed your boo-boo's, just yesterday you held my hand to walk into the store, just yesterday you cozied and cuddled with me, oh what will tomorrow bring? Serious talks, razors and hair gel? Girlfriends and cars? Heartbreaks and scars. Lord please protect him as he grows, please protect my heart.